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Writing a passion project… is this a good idea?

Greetings from Marseille!

Wowza, it has been hot. No air conditioning in our place. I remind myself that this is good for the environment, and I’m sure the sweat dripping down my face is good for my pores or something, right?

In moments when concentration is hard, I take a FREEZING COLD shower, and it’s like a jolt of refreshing electricity.

The hubby took me to Avignon to try to distract us, and I’m not going to lie, this nighttime dessert and coffee (decaf!) was a fabulous distraction. Why do I have to have such a sweet tooth!


^^ Sugary goodness in front of the former Pope’s palace? YES! ^^

So, as the subject line says, I’ve gotten a little distracted this past week. I love my giggly RomComs, and I love writing about love…

But another story pulled me away.

It’s a book I started writing at the beginning of the pandemic – something completely different about an 11-year-old boy living in foster care. He’s a precocious and endearing character, and he’s been demanding that I write his story.

I kept trying to ignore his voice, but it turns out that the writing muse does not take direct instruction. Sheesh.

And so I have just finished drafting Teddy’s story – what a relief! What will I do with this story? I have no idea. But I kinda love it. I love when the underdog wins, when kids overcome great odds. So we’ll see!

And now that this is done… I’m plotting “That Doggone Rock Star” with big plans to do plenty of writing this weekend.

Yes, I’m jumping all over the place these days. Can I blame it on the heat?

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